
Time & Life Management

Coach, Therapist, Mentor, or Consultant? Who do you hire for what???

Coach, Therapist, Mentor, or Consultant? Who do you hire for what???

Often times we feel we would benefit from some guidance or support — but which kind? I am often asked, “What is the difference between a coach and a therapist or even a mentor and consultant?” I thought I would answer that here in case you have been asking this same question as well.

So here it is in a nutshell:

Worried & Anxious? These Steps Could Help

Worried & Anxious? These Steps Could Help

Feelings of anxiety can affect anyone and for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the sensation can be overwhelming and paralyzing making getting through the day challenging at best. Many clients I work with express their feelings of anxiety, worry, and stress — and we work through this from a coaching perspective. The majority of the time the anxiety is reduced or quelled entirely in a matter of minutes with a short conversation and reframing their mindset.

Sleep and Productivity…

Sleep and Productivity…

Sleep is one of the key factors for our cognitive functioning to, well…function. You can probably recall a time when you didn’t get enough sleep and you were not as effective as you could have been: You forgot important information, your memory was foggy, and maybe you weren’t as speedy or focused as you normally are.

How to Finish a Task!

How to Finish a Task!

Are you someone who starts a whole bunch of projects and tasks yet rarely finish any of them? You are in excellent company! A huge percentage (89% according to a study shared in the Huffington Post) of business people don’t finish their task list.  Starting things and not getting back to them often is a result of procrastination, excessive distractions, poor planning, or simply a lack of desire.

The Opposite of Worrying = Planning

The Opposite of Worrying = Planning

Recently, I helped a client eliminate the worrying component in his narrative which was causing serious procrastination. This is not unusual, and here are some thoughts for those who find themselves trapped in this wheel of hell. I understand worry intimately. I know those who are chronic worriers and it can quite literally ruin your life. Everything elicits worry in their mind. The truth is that the majority of the things people worry about never manifest into anything at all.

It’s Official – List Making is Here to Stay!

It’s Official – List Making is Here to Stay!

I’ve been writing, speaking, and training the world on list making to aid in greater productivity. I have been convinced for decades that this was the simplest and most logical way to run one’s life. Yet, there are still many out there who defy my advice determined that their method (lack thereof in reality) is superior and that making a list is stupid, stressful, unnecessary, etc. (substitute your adjective here at will).

Incentivize Your Team While Working From Home

Incentivize Your Team While Working From Home

We all have to create new ways to stay motivated while working from home. For those who are self-employed and basically alone – this can difficult if you are a solopreneur. However, many people, myself included, have worked like this for years, so there is little difference.

#Accountability Partnering – While #WorkingFromHome!

#Accountability Partnering – While #WorkingFromHome!

The idea of working alongside others doing the same thing to keep motivated is not a new idea. And there is research behind the concept showing that people doing similar tasks at the same time creates a kind of synergy propelling everyone toward their own goals.