
ADHD Issues & Info

Adult ADHD and Boredom

Adult ADHD and Boredom

Yes, this is a thing. Most people imagine those with ADHD as always ‘busy’ and can’t imagine how...

Surviving a Marriage With Adult ADHD

Surviving a Marriage With Adult ADHD

Children with ADHD grow into adults with the imbalance, while other people do not receive the diagnosis until they are adults. The short attention span and inability to concentrate on multiple activities is frustrating; the inability to stay organized is maddening.

ADHD Awareness: It Isnt Just for Children Anymore!

ADHD Awareness: It Isnt Just for Children Anymore!

The recent surge in ADHD diagnosis in adults has caused some confusion, since most people associate it primarily with children. Many more adults are being diagnosed, and it is eye-opening for them. When parents learn that their child has been identified with ADHD, that information comes with a catalog of symptoms.

ADHD Awareness: Diagnosis in the Teen Years

ADHD Awareness: Diagnosis in the Teen Years

Although many people learn they have ADHD in their childhood years, often it isn’t until the teen years that ADHD issues begin to present a real problem. Transitional school years, such as starting high school or the first year of college, are often the time symptoms become more troublesome or apparent.



An individual with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) more often than not really struggles to just get through the day. What, you may be asking, is so difficult about living with ADHD? Isn’t that just someone who is hyper and can’t stay focused long enough to get anything done?

ADHD Awareness

ADHD Awareness

October is ADHD Awareness month and you may be asking yourself why this relates at all to my column on Organizing and Balance. It’s simple. Roughly 90 percent of my clients have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and the key challenges are organizing, time management, and handling basic life tasks on a daily basis.